Activity List

These are some activities I compiled from books and magazines. I refer to these when I feel we need to do something creative or fun.  Will add to the list from time to time (when I find the time) so check this often and have fun! 🙂


1. Magazine Picture Puzzles – large magazine pictures, scissors, glue, cardboard or colored paper

2. Shopping

3. Blackboard writing

4. Library visits

5. Make a bird bath – large clay pot, large deep clay saucer, water

6. Balloon volleyball

7. Make birthday cards

8. Read books

9. Chalk drawings on the road

10. Cook an egg sunny side up

11. Sing in the car

12. Eat an apple and count the seeds

13. Treasure hunt

14. Spend a day at the beach

15. Visit a park

16. Jump rope

17. Pouring or measuring – large container, rice or dried beans or pasta

18. Water play – wading pool, plastic containers, tubes, toys

19. Dye eggs for Easter

20. Surprise bags – fabric bags, interesting things to put inside

21. Colorful blob paintings

22. Make french toast

23. Sing a nursery rhyme

24. Fishing fun – fishing toy set, large tub of water

25. Visit a science center

26. Family picnic

27. Take care of a pet

28. Kick the balls – different sized balls

29. Indoor obstacle course

30. Paint pots

31. Make jello

32. Practice tying shoelaces

33. Draw a picture of “my day” (getting dressed, watching tv, reading books, etc.)

34. Play bowling

35. Play hopscotch

36. Water the garden

37. Bounce balls

38. Make paper chains

39. Kitchen play

40. Make a photo frame

41. Make pancakes

42. Play a listening game – large glass jar, penny, dice, comb, small items

43. Play “I Spy” in the car

44. Sort the laundry

45. Three-legged races

46. Take a short walk

47. Visit a zoo

48. Blow bubbles

49. Play with big cardboard boxes

50. Make a bird feeder

51. Write a letter to a friend or relative

52. Rice maracas

53. Box cars

54. Fruit smoothies

55. Read-along stories (casette tapes or CDs)

56. Sew a button

57. Squirt guns

58. Catch a sunset

59. Insect hunt

60. Ride a bike

61. Make a flag

62. Sort coins

63. Thread breakfast cereals

64. Make a sandwich

65. Play with walkie-talkies

66. Make a mobile

67. Weighing – small kitchen scale, various items to weigh

68. Make a tire swing

69. Plant a small garden

70. Bucket targets – plastic bucket, different sized balls

71. Hammering – piece of thick wood, nails, small hammer, protective glasses/goggles

72. Playdough

73. Make butter – 250 ml pure whipping cream, plastic container with secure lid, marble – shake well!

74. Trace a pattern

75. Go berry-picking

76. Seed sorting

77. Ping-pong ball blow

78. Playing shops

79. Face painting

80. Make lemonade

81. Write a short story

82. Plant a time capsule

83. Do the laundry

84. Ant watching or make an ant farm

85. Recycle

86. Trampolining

87. Finger painting

88. Make pizza for dinner

89. Sack race

90. Floating and sinking – large tub of water, selection of household objects

91. Egg and spoon races

92. Hurdling

93. Tin can clip-clops – two large tin cans (same size), thin rope, hammer, nails

94. Pet rocks

95. Cook soup

96. Wash the car

97. Fragrant shoebox – shoebox, aromatic substances (lemon peel, soap, perfume, essential oils, etc.), rubber bands, drinking straws, paper, plastic bags, colored felt pens

98. Ribbon sticks

99. Plant a tree

100. Make a clock – paper plate, cardboard paper, paper fastener, marker pens

101. Bird watching

102. Windmills

103. Magnet fun

104. Color mixing

105. Dance

106. Play the piano

107. Visit a museum

108. Make a weather chart

109. Play with drums

110. Make wind chimes

110. Make a sock puppet

111. Splatter paintings

112. Water xylophone

113. Play a guitar

114. Make pinhole pictures

115. Water balloon toss

116. Study your fingerprint under a magnifying glass

117. Make a map

118. Make a terrarium

119. Ball waddle relay

120. Make a sundial

121. Do the hokey pokey

122. Rubber stamping

123. Picture letters – ex: “I C U”, “R U (color) blue?”

124. Visit the post office

125. Visit a country through books

126. Magazine cut-outs/caricature – pictures of people from magazines, paper, scissors, glue

127. Play charades

128. Double draw – tape 2 felt pens together and scribble

129. Star gaze

130. Make a diorama

131. Paint a shirt

132. Make a friendship bracelet

133. Make paper beads and string into a necklace

134. String buttons into a bracelet

135. Make a pencil cup using an old mug or tin can (decoupage or paint)

136. Recycle old yogurt lids to make dazzling stained-glass sun catchers

137. Make a snow globe and give to a friend

138. Make magnetic fridge faces or a magnetic photo frame

139. Make a stained glass vase using an old glass bottle and cellophane paper

140. Make tin can luminaries

141. Make bookmarkers for friends and family

142. Play some basketball

143. Make a paper airplane

144. Give old toys, books and clothes to charity

145. Finish a jigsaw puzzle

146. Play tic-tac-toe

147. Swim (and play) in an inflatable pool.

148. Make some word magnets

149. Play Bingo

150. Read a poem

151. Send a postcard to a loved one

152. Make a fridge magnet

153. Look at bugs through a magnifying glass

154. Study cloud formations

155. Learn how to segregate trash

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