Posted by: katlea611 | September 4, 2014

In Other Matters…

Sad to say I will not be attending this year’s Homeschool Conference. I know there will be a lot of interesting topics, and I know it will be fun fun fun but sadly, I just can’t make it. I am however, looking forward to the Homeschool Fair (which I hope will happen annually now) and hopefully meet other homeschooling families there. Anyway, for those attending, enjoy and have fun!


It has been raining lately and although the weather is really cool (in other words, sarap!) I don’t want my boys to get sick so I’m always asking them to either wear pajamas or close their windows or keep warm.  I want them to learn how to be responsible for their health because it’s hard when they’re sick.  They also know that if they’re sick, they don’t get to do a lot of their favorite activities so they know better.  They also remember to take their vitamins everyday which makes me happy.  Now, if they will only eat vegetables, I’d be more than happy! 🙂


I just want to show you the costume we made out of paper. Yes, you heard that right, paper. Since it was Buwan ng Wika last month, we tried to make a costume out of magazine paper to test our creativity and well, just to have some messy fun.  And this is what we ended up with:

nik isn’t that an absolutely cool Igorot costume? We were supposed to make another for Ethan as well but we’re not done with it yet. It’s quite tricky because we used bottlecaps to cover the whole costume. Yes, bottlecaps! Sooo fun! Anyway, once we’re done with it will surely post it. 😀

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